
23 juli 2020

Arcadis and Tractebel contribute to the 'Sustainable Development and a Greener Economy in low and middle-income countries'

EFCA, the European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations, published the 'Sustainable Development and a Greener Economy in low and middle-income countries' booklet, where they demonstrate the European Consulting Engineers’ capabilities to contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the external dimension of the European Green Deal, by preparing climate-friendly public and private investment projects and introducing new solutions, management processes, and innovative practices that accelerate the achievement of SDGs.


ORI had proposed some projects to the EFCA's European External Aid Committee, and as a result three projects by Tractebel and one project by Arcadis are now included in this publication.



Page 18: 'Chisinau Green City Action Plan'



Page 23: 'Investment Strategies to improve Coastal Safety in West Africa'

Page 26: 'Enhancing Resilience of Hydro Power Assets in Brazil'

Page 27: 'Strenghtening Irrigation Systems in Uzbekistan'


You can download the publication below.

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11 april 2024

Nieuwe EU-regels ter verbetering van de behandeling en hergebruik van stedelijk afvalwater

Op 10 april keurde het Europees Parlement het akkoord goed dat in januari 2024 met de Raad is bereikt over de herziening van de EU-normen voor waterbeheer en de behandeling van stedelijk afvalwater om de volksgezondheid en het milieu beter te beschermen.

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11 april 2024

Gidsen voor duurzaamheidsrapportage

Twee VBO-gidsen om grote ondernemingen en kmo’s te helpen bij hun ESG-rapportage

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10 april 2024

Nieuw regelgeving voor voorschotten in overheidsopdrachten

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