
9 september 2020

FIDIC publishes its latest Annual Report for 2019/2020

FIDIC has published its Annual Report for 2019/2020 detailing its activities over what has been a landmark 12 months that has seen the organisation increase its profile and influence across a number of areas. The year under review has also been notable for the Coronavirus pandemic and its far-reaching effects on the global construction and infrastructure sector and the report also highlights FIDIC’s response to the crisis.


The report includes news of the new FIDIC Strategic Plan 2020-2024, a key initiative which will outline the future direction of the organisation. Writing in the Annual Report about the new plan, FIDIC president William Howard said: “We have consulted with member associations and our wider stakeholders to develop this new plan which continues the ambitious approach FIDIC has taken in the last few years and it provides us with a new benchmark for the next four to five years. For the first time the plan will place a greater emphasis on FIDIC’s priorities, with goals and outcomes and their effects on industry, member associations and wider industry all considered.”


In his introduction to the report, FIDIC chief executive Dr Nelson Ogunshakin said that the past year had been a significant one, but perhaps not for a reason that anyone could have predicted. “The Covid-19 crisis has affected every aspect of life and business on a global scale and FIDIC has had to respond to this unprecedented challenge. That we have done so with enormous fortitude and no little innovation is a source of great pride and my thanks must go to our board for their leadership and direction, staff for their dedication over recent months and to our members and stakeholders for their ongoing support.”


The report offers a comprehensive update on all aspects of FIDIC’s work over the past 12 months. As well as an overview of the organisation’s finances and board activities, the Annual Report includes feedback from FIDIC’s recent stakeholder survey, an overview of the relaunch and revamping of FIDIC’s committees, a publications and training update, messages from the president and CEO, details of FIDIC’s successful Covid-19 webinar series and much more.

Source: FIDIC

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